Archive | March, 2009

Betty Williams/Nojoud Muhammad Nasser Honored at Women’s World Awards

Posted on 06 March 2009

Vienna (March 6, 2009)- Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Betty Williams received the World Achievement Award at last night’s Women’s World Awards. Williams was the co-founder of Community of Peace People (dedicated to achieving peace in Northern Ireland). She is also President of the World Centers of Compassion for Children International and the Global Children’s Foundation.
While […]

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Award Trivia #1

Posted on 04 March 2009

Ben Franklin is known as a scientist, inventor, statesman and publisher. He is enshrined (posthumously) in two unlikely halls of Fame. Franklin is a member of the Advertising Hall of Fame as a pioneer in the field. The first known magazine advertisement appeared in his General Magazine in 1741. He is also a member of […]

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Posted on 02 March 2009

Slumdog Millionaire enjoyed one of the greatest nights in Academy Awards history, winning a total of eight Oscars including Best Picture and Best Director.
Slumdog Millionaire’s pick as Best Picture came as no surprise. The proverbial (and literal) rags to riches story had already captured top honors at virtually every other awards ceremony leading up to […]

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Posted on 02 March 2009

With the Academy Awards in the rear view mirror, the 2009 Awards Season has come to a merciful end.
What have we learned?
* Meryl Streep will be nominated for an Academy Award … and lose (15 nominations with just two Oscars on the mantle).
* The Directors Guild of America will make their choice for Best Director (Slumdog […]

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